Monday, September 21, 2009

I am a girl

Sorry for the long absence. I feel like I've finally started to pull myself out of the funk I was in for the last month. Isa's doing better behavior-wise (with the exception of meltdowns at nearly every meal), which helps immensely. The rest of my world is slowly falling into place again as well.
Happily for me, Isa has turned out to be a lot like me personality-wise. She's a thoroughly independent and outspoken gal who happens to also be a complete girly-girl. She likes watching baseball and football, but does so while holding a baby doll. I firmly believe there's no reason you can't have a closet full of heels and a basement full of power tools!
Here she is showing off her feminine side:
Tea parties with Grandma & Papaw
We started Mommy & Me ballet classes, which Isa adores.
Whenever the music stops, she immediately says "More? More dancing?".
I need to get her a leotard and tights but for now the tutu will suffice.

One of her favorite costumes- the tutu and princess crown.

This girls LOVES the phone (both real and pretend).

And finally, here she is showing off several girly-girl skills in a single video. I have to admit that she does a stellar job walking in some fairly tall heels! Once she gets the hang of the heels, what does she head straight for? Her purse, of course.


Brenda said...

Isa is too cute. I can totally see her on the runway!!!

Shawna said...

Isa is adorable! She reminds me a lot of my daughter!! We're doing mommy and me dance classes, too! Glad thongs are going well for you!!


Anonymous said...

love this post!!

and glad you are pulling out of the funk... it's been going around, I guess.


one happy family said...

welcome back sister :)