Saturday, September 5, 2009


I'm currently in the throes of sheer, utter exhaustion of the mental/emotion variety, which inevitably turns into the physical variety.

Crappy things in my personal life in the last month or so. Continued weight gain means nothing in my closet fits. My cat was diagnosed with triaditis (inflamed small intestines, pancreas, and liver) as well as possible pancreatic cancer. Isa continues to "be 2" from time to time and I just don't have the reserves to be as patient about it as I would like. Which, in turn, makes me feel guilty.

So that's pretty much it from here. I'm really hoping that the end of summer will mean the schedule will return to normal, allowing me time to try and dig out from under all this muck.

In the meantime, here are a few, much belated, birthday shots- in slightly random order. I haven't had the time to load the shots another friend sent via email so you may see some more in the future.

We so rarely get good shots of both of us- I love this pic!

Mmmm... cupcake!!!

Can you tell that she enjoyed opening presents?

Blowing out her candle.

Yummy snacks for the birthday girl.


Debbie said...

Boy do I understand the 'crappy stuff in my personal life' feeling. Wish I didn't. Wish you didn't. Such is life I guess.

Happy Birthday Isa B!!!!

She is absolutely adorable!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I understand you, my friend!! Is there any way you can get a break? Have your parents take Isa for a couple of days, and just CHILL? It's so so important to take care of yourself. The terrible twos are exhausting. Add any personal life stress on top of that and you have yourself a perfect storm.

Or how about this - come visit us!! we'd love it. :-)

Anonymous said...

I understand you, my friend!! Is there any way you can get a break? Have your parents take Isa for a couple of days, and just CHILL? It's so so important to take care of yourself. The terrible twos are exhausting. Add any personal life stress on top of that and you have yourself a perfect storm.

Or how about this - come visit us!! we'd love it. :-)

Anonymous said...

Isa is so cute! Just had to say that. Totally understand the crappy-personal-life-stuff...thank gosh for cute daughters to help us make our way through the troubled times.

ts said...

Hey lady, lets get together this week ok? I have also been having "issues" and would love talk.

Also-anytime you need a babysitter, give me a call!!

one happy family said...

miss you :)

Single PAP said...

oh my goodness is she cute!!!

veggiemom said...

Sorry things have been so rough lately! Hope it turns around soon. Love the birthday pics!!!

Jocelyn said...

I am so right there with patience is gone and I feel like a bad Mom all the time because of it. I am sorry about your fur baby:-( It easy way to say it...I am having such a hard time after losing Peanut. This age is so tough in general for our girls...we just need to keep in mind that they are going to be strong willed throughout their lives and this will get them places...right? Hope things look up for you soon and that we both can quit feeling so blah:-(

Daniela said...

You don't know me but I ran across your blog as I was looking at other adoption blogs.

I just wanted to say that Isa is so gorgeous!!! I have enjoyed reading your blog and seeing Isa grow - she's come a long way! :) Take care!

Anonymous said...

I hear you on the exhaustion front. I'm unclear on how I am keeping one foot in front of the other right now. Six, often going on age one, is not barrel fun at the moment. Hope to see you this fall. This will pass and I hope you can get a break and rejuvenate.

Jesi and Joe said...

So sorry to hear it, Katie... do whatever you can to get some time for yourself to recoup a bit. Having two almost two year olds around... I HEAR you on the struggling to be patient and feeling guilty about it thing. Ugh, do I ever! I am amazed some days at how incredibly strong willed and persistent they can be! And as for other personal crap that makes life tough, as you heard from me at camp this summer, I have a boatload of drama and am so beat from all that too?! What IS the cure for that?!? :-S