Friday, November 7, 2008

The return of Fav Foto Friday

Well, after a long hiatus, FFF returns to the blog. This week's theme is "favorite family photo." Here are some of my favorites:

our first meeting (look how tiny she was!!!)

at her birthday in August- totally captures her personality

As I've mentioned before, we don't have too many photos of us together. We definitely need to have some professional photos taken!


Anonymous said...

AWWWWWWWWWWW Isa is the cutest girl!!!!!

Yep you better get a prof pic taken!!!!


Jocelyn said...

Isn't it crazy how big they've gotten!! So adorable!!

Anonymous said...

you two are both adorable!! yes, please do get more photos together.

hey i have an idea - come visit us, and I will take TONS of photos of you!!

veggiemom said...

Love the pics! Lack of pics of you with the wee one is the one downside to being single.

Sarah said...

Isa is so beautiful! Love your family pics! Us single moms need to hand our camera off to others more often so we can be in them with our kiddos!

Liz said...

I have to say that the most recent picture of you two DOES catch her personality. It also really show how much she is YOUR daughter. I swear she has inherited quite a but from you...somehow...

Anonymous said...

Those are sweet pictures.

I completely understand about no pictures with mommy. Last week looking at pictures, my daughter asked where mommy was. Hundreds of pictures and I am always the one taking them.