Thursday, April 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby...

Yesterday was Isa B's 8 month birthday. And how did we celebrate, you might ask???? I locked the keys and Isa in the car when we got home from our Mommy and Me group. Yep.

Extreme panic and hyperventilation ensued (on my part- Isa was still asleep at that point). I didn't even have a phone since that was in the diaper bag, in the car. The other key to my car is with my parents, who are visiting my brother in Kansas City right now. Luckily, a few houses down is another mom who had just gotten home with her little one from grocery shopping. She was levelheaded enough to call a locksmith and attempt to keep me as calm as possible. The locksmith was out to pop open the door PDQ. Of course, by this time Isa is crying because she doesn't understand why I'm staring at her through the car window and not getting her out. I'm crying because I feel so completely inept as a mom.

Apparently this is not all that uncommon. The locksmith told me so and another mom I spoke with last night said she'd done it. Isa B is completely over it and had no issues getting strapped into the carseat this morning when we went swimming. I, however, am still fairly traumatized...

So, if you want to feel like an incompetent mom, then by all means lock your baby and the keys in the car. Otherwise, I really don't recommend it!


Erica Peto said...

Don't feel bad - we all could easily do something like that. My friend did it with her child in the Starbucks parking lot and the car was running also. It took about an hour to get it unlocked (someone with a coathanger was finally able to do it). You're not alone.

veggiemom said...

The only reason I don't do that is because I can only lock my car with the key. Otherwise I'm quite sure I would have joined you in this experience already.
Glad to know Isa B survived unscathed. Hopefully, you'll be fully recovered soon. :-)
Kerri and Ruby

Heidi said...

I hope you recover from your trauma soon. It sounds like Isa has gotten over it fairly quickly.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you posted this - makes me feel much better about maiming my child. :-)

seriously though, sounds exactly like something I would do!!