Sunday, August 10, 2008

I heart Spoon

Just some fluff for you all today. Here is Isa B with one of her favorite objects- a little rubbery baby spoon (which henceforth shall be known as the Love Spoon).

The bowl of the spoon is a bit too big for Isa to eat comfortably from, but man, does she love to play with it! So, I feed her with another spoon and then pull out the Love Spoon at the end of the meal. It keeps her happy and occupied so I can finish eating. Gotta love the Love Spoon.

The joy is palpable....

Look, Ma! No hands!


And now for the Spoon Show- live!


Jesi Q said...

She's so funny. Sometimes it's the little things that are the most fun!

Anonymous said...

she cracks me up - love the video! she is totally enamored of that spoon.

Laurzie said...

Adorable! Isn't it funny what things the kids decide is the best toy in the world? I love it.

Julie said...

You gotta's a pretty cool spoon.

Lisa said...

HI! It was nice to meet you and Isa at the BLOG Union! She is such a cutie-pie!

Sam said...

why is she so cute. why?
and i love your profile it